Promotional Design Group Blog

Inflatable Drink Replicas

Written by Promotional Design Group | Jun 29, 2016 8:14:08 PM

Have you ever seen a giant bottle replica at an event? We probably made it if you did, and it is because we are one of the best manufacturers when it comes to making inflatable bottle replicas. We have worked hand in hand with companies like Rockstar, Gatorade, and Heffeweisen making all sorts of inflatable replicas on their products. Many times a bottle will have an image like that of a soda can but making it as large as these bottle get to be is a little tricky, especially if it has to be twenty five feet or more. Regardless of size we always manage to create the best looking inflatable bottles available for marketing events or any other kind of brand exposure they might be used for.

These realistic bottles are incredible in detail and the way they are shaped is helped by a baffling system we have worked hard to design. Each inflatable is unique and the way airflow will work on it always depends on shape, size and detail. When someone brings a rough idea to the table we analyze the possibility of it becoming a reality and even if it seems impossible we will make it possible because our engineers have done this since 1984. Before modern technology and advanced printing methods we used to shape everything by hand and then we used to paint on the inflatables with an airbrush and detail was very fine, but as time progressed we started to realize that modern technology would make these processes faster. We are always up to date with our machinery and this allows us to take more time to carefully develop one of these large cans.

They are used for many different activities and events where a drink manufacturer can let the crowd know it is the sponsor or to have more brand awareness. They are mostly setup at entrances where they are also the markers for an event to be easy to find or in the middle of where the main event is going to be as a central marker. These inflatable replicas are so clear that it is easy to see them from at least a block away if it is set up on a high surface or if we make a really large one. Before everything is said and done we make sure that all of the prints and designs are on point for everything to be perfect. These replicas are the best way to take your exposure to the next level because everyone can see them and they will truly resemble your brand anywhere you go. We have also made internally lit inflatables that you can expose during the night like the one below.

All promotional products come with a great warranty* and they are not limited to only inflatable drink replicas. They are only one type of inflatable we manufacture but they can be completely custom made or designed. Our Canopies are the best selling product we have and it's because of their portability and easy to use system. Inflatable replicas are also easy to use and you can set them upon a matter of 10 minutes because it is a simple plug and play. Inflatable drink replicas fall under our inflatable replicas category which has more examples of these types of inflatables for you to better understand our capabilities. If you don't see what you have in mind let us know and we will perform calculations and produce mockups to see if it is something we can do.